Confused about how to keep yourself and your loved ones safe from COVID-19? Exhausted trying to keep up with the latest news and information? You’re not alone.
If you think about the current pandemic in terms of a race, COVID-19 had a really, really big head start.
Doctors, scientists, and drug companies are running as hard as they can to catch up, but when it comes to a footrace, they’re more tortoise than hare. That’s a good thing. We want them to be careful and measured. But humans are in this race, too, and we need all the help we can get. That’s why we at GlobalCures have compiled a list of relatively non-toxic nutrients and medications — some over the counter — that have scientific and/or clinical evidence suggestive of efficacy against the virus.
While the data supporting our suggestions is not ironclad, the components in these protocols are generally regarded as safe. They are also inexpensive and readily available.
Of course, generally doesn’t mean always, and you should check with your doctor before adopting any of these protocols. Please note, these dosing suggestions apply to adults and not children.
The first recommendation is to get vaccinated and boosted so even if you do get COVID, you will not get seriously ill.
Second, keep your immune system strong. Here are some supplements to boost your immunity and defend against any infection.
Links to references are provided for clinicians and anyone else wanting to dig deeper.
Recommended oral supplements and dosing guidelines:
What to do if you get a positive COVID test:
Continue with the immune nutrients above, increase zinc dose for one week and add the following for one week. Monitor your oxygen saturation with a home pulse oximeter and call your doctor if it starts falling below 94.